
One night, my car was broken into. I lost a few thousand dollars in equipment and several hundred dollars replacing my alarm system. After doing some research, I realized how prevalent car theft is in the US. This made me think about people who were in less fortunate situations and needed a temporary alarm system that was inexpensive until they could afford a more permanent option.

Technology Implementation

As a form of expression, I decided to build an inexpensive sensor for $25 wholesale that would detect motion and send a user a text message if there was a disturbance.


I relied on my electrical background to design and created a circuit that sounded an alarm and reported the distance of the detected movement. In addition, I coded a full-stack application for users to sign up to use the service. I wrote the Arduino program in C++ and from there made a request to a server using express/node. Once motion is detected this would trigger the route path and the user would receive a text message as a response. I built this project during the final week while attending a 16-week full-time immersive coding bootcamp.


In two weeks, I was able to identify an issue, create a prototype, code in a programming language I had never worked with, and build a full-stack application in a language I started learning 3 months prior. I broke a problem into small steps and carefully solved the ones I was able to and utilized the Arduino and coding community to fill in the gaps. By leveraging communication and patience, I completed this project by relying on my strengths in problem-solving asking the needed questions to bring this passion project to life. This project was built for educational purposes only.

Tech Stack

  • C++ Arduino
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript - Templating Engine
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js/Express