
Hiring and retaining mechanical and electrical engineers for specialized convey installations are complicated – experienced trade professionals are challenging to locate and maintain without a dedicated engineer who can lead the team through complexity and uncertainty

Technology Implementation

By learning a skillset of this magnitude, I have translated the experience gained in this field into other areas that demand great attention to detail, organization, and vast comfort in cross-functional roles.


To gain immense proficiency in a short period, the steps I took involved:

  • Studying electrical blueprints and schematics for projects outside works hours
  • Asking team leads questions
  • An open willingness to admit, "I don't know."
  • Taking the initiative to accept responsibility for small portions of large projects
  • Developing a personal curriculum to internalize advanced electrical engineering concepts
  • Rallying those with more experience than myself to fill the gaps in my knowledge base to ensure success despite lack of experience


Through practicing curiosity, a willingness to be wrong and admit when I didn't understand, and disciplined adherence to structure, I was able to cut the average time of leading projects of this scope from 5-10 years to a year and a half. By utilizing the strengths and experience of those around me, I can continuously build projects outside my expertise. By focusing my energies on understanding the big picture and knowing where all the pieces fit, I earn the trust needed to rally those around me to push forward and complete any goal.

Below are examples of the types of projects I have led from start to finish as an industrial electrician and will give you a better sense of what is involved in installing and integrating conveyor systems.

Example 1:

A time elapsed example of a conveyor system being installed by mechanical and electrical technicians inside a common industrial setting.

Example 2:

A time elapsed example of a conveyor system being installed by mechanical and electrical technicians inside a common industrial setting.

Example 3:

An example of how to wire the control cabinets that interface with the conveyor systems in the field.

Example 4:

An example of different sections of a conveyor systems after they have been properly installed and configured.